Seller info

as a Seller you can register on our website, fill in you details and send the register form. We will approve you account so you can manage your account.
After approval you can edit you profile, manage you products, manage your orders and payouts.

Add you product via you seller account and click on "add product" you will be redirected to paypal to pay the advert fee of € 1,-.
after payment on paypal you will see the page for adding you product. Fill in the details and save it for approval.
We will approve you advert and notice you by email. After approval you product will be visible on our website.
A Buyer can buy your product via our website and will pay the costs including shipping cost on our website. Or he can choose to contact you and buy the product directly from you.
After the payment on our website is done the buyer gets an order notification and you as a Seller will receive an notification by email.
You can check the order in your account and contact the buyer for delivery.
We will check the payment and do a payment of the ordersubtotal minus the commission fee to your paypal account.

Our involvement stops here, shipping and returns or claims should be processed by you as the Seller.